June Promotions

  • Full Body Laser Hair Removal Save $1100 Now only $1900

    Full Body Laser Hair Removal Save $1100 Now only $1900. 6 Sessions done 4-6 weeks apart which will offer 80% permanent hair reduction. Learn More

  • EvolveX Body Contouring Save $600 Now Only $2399

    From FLAB to FAB! Get your body contoured in just 6 weeks, Tighten, Tone and Build Muscle!! Lose 2-4 inches in just 6 weeks, proven treatment, with proven results that work. Non-invasive no pain and no downtime! Learn more

  • Skin Tight FORMA Save $300 Now Only $1499

    Skin Tightening with Forma, get a more defined JAWLINE, tighten the lose skin along your jaw, tighten your neck and your face, and say goodbye to lose skin with Forma. 6 sessions done once a week and instant results that last up to 4 years! Learn More

 Our Services

  • Experience the rejuvenating effects of Botox treatment at 1FACE SKIN CLINIC. Botox, derived from botulinum toxin, is a popular non-surgical procedure that temporarily relaxes muscles to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.

    Our Botox treatment targets various areas, including:

    Forehead lines: Smooths horizontal lines across the forehead.

    Glabellar lines: Softens frown lines between the eyebrows.

    Crow's feet: Minimizes wrinkles at the corners of the eyes.

    Jawline and lower face: Defines and contours the jawline for a more sculpted appearance.

    Masseter Botox: Relieves TMJ discomfort and reduces teeth grinding by relaxing the jaw muscles.

    Facial slimming Botox: Reduces the size of masseter muscles, resulting in a slimmer facial profile.

    Administered by our skilled Registered Nurse professionals with over 12 year experience Botox treatment offers natural-looking results with minimal downtime, helping you achieve a refreshed and youthful look. Unlock smoother, more youthful skin and enhance facial harmony with Botox at 1FACE SKIN CLINIC

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  • Enhance your lips with our lip filler treatments at 1FAC SKIN CLINIC our experienced nurses specialize in creating natural-looking results that complement your facial features.

    Using premium lip fillers like Juvederm or Restylane, we can:

    Add volume to thin lips for a fuller appearance.

    Define lip borders for a more defined and youthful look.

    Correct asymmetry and balance lip proportions.

    Soften vertical lip lines (smoker's lines) for smoother lips.

    Achieve natural-looking results that enhance your overall facial aesthetics.

    Trust our skilled nurses to tailor lip filler treatments to your preferences, ensuring a beautiful and harmonious outcome. Rediscover confidence with luscious, natural-looking lips at 1FACE SKIN CLNIC.

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  • Achieve balanced facial proportions and contouring with Juvederm or Restylane fillers at 1FACE SKIN CLINIC. Cheek filler enhances cheekbone definition and volume, restoring youthful contours. Jawline filler defines and sharpens the jawline, creating a more sculpted appearance. Chin filler adds projection and symmetry to the chin, improving overall facial harmony.

    Facial balancing and contouring with fillers can:

    Enhance facial symmetry and proportions.

    Define key features like cheekbones, jawline, and chin.

    Restore lost volume due to aging.

    Improve facial harmony and aesthetics.

    Boost confidence by accentuating natural beauty.

    Our skilled practitioners customize treatments for natural-looking results that enhance your unique features. Experience the transformative benefits of facial balancing and contouring with Juvederm or Restylane fillers at 1FACE SKIN CLINIC

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  • Morpheus8, available at 1FACE SKcN CLINIC, is an advanced radiofrequency microneedling treatment with transformative benefits for the face, neck, and body. By combining microneedling and radiofrequency energy, Morpheus8 stimulates collagen production, resulting in improved skin texture, tone, and firmness.

    On the face, Morpheus8 targets fine lines, wrinkles, and acne scars, promoting smoother and more youthful skin. It also addresses uneven skin tone and tightens sagging areas, creating a rejuvenated appearance.

    For the neck, Morpheus8 reduces crepiness, tightens lax skin, and diminishes horizontal lines, restoring a firmer and more defined neckline.

    On the body, Morpheus8 effectively treats stretch marks, tightens loose skin, and contours areas like the abdomen, arms, thighs, and knees, enhancing overall body shape and tone.

    With minimal downtime and long-lasting results, Morpheus8 is a versatile solution for comprehensive skin rejuvenation and body contouring at 1FACE SKIN CLINIC

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  • Sculptra is a unique injectable treatment offered at 1FAC SKIN CLINIC with several benefits for skin rejuvenation. Unlike traditional fillers, Sculptra stimulates collagen production over time, leading to gradual but natural-looking results that can last up to two years.

    One of the primary benefits of Sculptra is its ability to restore volume and improve skin texture. It can effectively address sunken cheeks, hollow temples, and deep folds, resulting in a more youthful and lifted appearance.

    Sculptra also helps in stimulating collagen production, which leads to firmer and smoother skin over time. This can reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, giving the skin a rejuvenated and refreshed look.

    Another advantage of Sculptra is its versatility. It can be used to enhance facial contours, improve skin elasticity, and even treat cellulite on the body, making it a comprehensive solution for overall skin revitalization.

    With Sculptra, you can achieve natural and long-lasting results that enhance your features and restore a youthful glow, all while promoting collagen production for continued skin improvement.

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  • At 1FACE SKIN CLINIC, we offer a range of rejuvenating facials tailored to address various skin concerns and enhance your natural beauty.

    Our SkinGlow Facial is designed to revitalize dull and tired skin, promoting a radiant and luminous complexion. Using advanced techniques and premium skincare products, this facial restores brightness and hydration, leaving your skin glowing and refreshed.

    For anti-ageing benefits, we provide specialized facials that target fine lines, wrinkles, and loss of elasticity. These treatments incorporate potent ingredients and techniques to promote collagen production, improve skin texture, and reduce the signs of ageing, helping you achieve a more youthful appearance.

    If you have sensitive skin, our gentle facials are formulated to soothe and nourish without causing irritation. These treatments focus on calming inflammation, strengthening the skin barrier, and providing essential hydration, resulting in a more comfortable and balanced complexion.

    For acne-prone skin, we offer facials that target breakouts, excess oil production, and post-inflammatory marks. These facials include deep cleansing, exfoliation, and customized skincare to unclog pores, reduce acne-causing bacteria, and promote clearer, healthier skin.

    Experience our award-winning Oxygeneo Facial, a revolutionary treatment that combines exfoliation, oxygenation, and nutrient infusion for immediate and long-lasting results. This facial boosts skin radiance, improves texture, and enhances overall skin health, leaving you with a revitalized and rejuvenated complexion.

    For advanced exfoliation, our Microdermabrasion treatment gently removes dead skin cells, refines pores, and promotes cell turnover, revealing smoother and more youthful-looking skin.

    Additionally, we offer a variety of chemical peels tailored to your skin type and concerns. These peels effectively address pigmentation issues, uneven skin tone, acne scars, and signs of ageing, promoting a clearer, brighter, and more even complexion.

    Discover the transformative power of our rejuvenating facials at 1FACE SKIN CLINIC and unlock your skin's natural beauty.

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  • EvolveX available at 1FACE SKIN CLINIC, offers a range of benefits for comprehensive body contouring and skin tightening. Using advanced radiofrequency technology, EvolveX targets stubborn fat pockets, cellulite, and loose skin, providing noticeable improvements in body shape and skin texture.

    One of the key benefits of EvolveX is its ability to sculpt and contour the body, reducing unwanted fat and creating a more toned and defined silhouette. By precisely targeting areas such as the abdomen, thighs, arms, and buttocks, EvolveX helps you achieve a slimmer and more contoured appearance.

    Additionally, EvolveX is effective in reducing cellulite, smoothing out dimpled skin and improving skin firmness. This can lead to a smoother and more youthful-looking skin texture, enhancing overall body confidence.

    Another advantage of EvolveX is its non-invasive nature, with minimal discomfort and downtime compared to surgical procedures. The treatment is safe, Health Canada approved, and suitable for various skin types, making it a versatile option for those looking to enhance their body shape and skin quality.

    With EvolveX, you can enjoy targeted fat reduction, cellulite improvement, and skin tightening in a comfortable and effective manner, helping you achieve your desired body goals with confidence.

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  • BodyFX, offered at 1FACE SKIN CLINI, provides a range of benefits for body contouring and skin tightening. This non-invasive treatment uses radiofrequency energy and deep tissue heating to target stubborn fat, cellulite, and loose skin, delivering noticeable improvements in body shape and skin texture.

    One of the key benefits of BodyFX is its ability to precisely target and reduce localized fat deposits, such as love handles, abdomen bulges, and thigh fat. By heating and disrupting fat cells, BodyFX helps contour and sculpt the body for a slimmer and more defined appearance.

    Additionally, BodyFX is effective in reducing the appearance of cellulite, smoothing out dimpled skin and improving skin elasticity. This leads to a smoother and firmer skin texture, enhancing overall body confidence.

    Another advantage of BodyFX is its non-surgical nature, with minimal discomfort and downtime compared to invasive procedures. The treatment is safe, Health Canada approved, and suitable for various body areas, making it a versatile option for those seeking non-invasive body contouring solutions.

    With BodyFX, you can achieve targeted fat reduction, cellulite improvement, and skin tightening in a comfortable and effective manner, helping you achieve your desired body goals with confidence.

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  • Forma, available at 1FACE SKIN CLINIC, offers a range of benefits for skin tightening and rejuvenation. Using advanced radiofrequency technology, Forma stimulates collagen production and improves skin elasticity, resulting in a firmer, smoother, and more youthful appearance.

    One of the key benefits of Forma is its ability to target fine lines, wrinkles, and sagging skin, particularly on the face and neck. By delivering controlled thermal energy to the deep layers of the skin, Forma promotes collagen remodeling, leading to improved skin texture and a lifted, tightened appearance.

    Additionally, Forma is suitable for all skin types and can be customized to address specific concerns such as forehead lines, nasolabial folds, and jowls. The treatment is non-invasive, comfortable, and requires minimal downtime, making it a popular choice for those seeking non-surgical facial rejuvenation.

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  • Lumecca IPL, available at 1FACE SKIN CLINIC, offers a range of benefits for skin rejuvenation and pigmentation correction. This advanced Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) treatment targets a variety of skin concerns, including sun damage, age spots, freckles, redness, and vascular lesions.

    One of the key benefits of Lumecca IPL is its ability to effectively treat pigmentation irregularities, such as sun spots and age spots, by targeting melanin in the skin. This results in a more even skin tone and a reduction in the appearance of dark spots, revealing clearer and brighter skin.

    Additionally, Lumecca IPL can improve skin texture and reduce redness caused by conditions like rosacea or broken capillaries. The treatment stimulates collagen production, leading to smoother, firmer, and more youthful-looking skin over time.

    Lumecca IPL is a non-invasive procedure with minimal downtime, making it a convenient option for busy individuals seeking visible improvements in their skin's appearance. With Lumecca IPL, you can achieve a more radiant complexion and renewed confidence in your skin's health and beauty.

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  • Experience the rejuvenating benefits of microneedling with (Platelet-Rich Plasma) at 1FACE SKIN CLINC. This advanced treatment combines microneedling, which stimulates collagen production and skin renewal, with Plasma, which harnesses your body's natural growth factors to enhance results.

    Microneedling with Plasma can:

    1. Improve skin texture and tone.

    2. Reduce fine lines and wrinkles.

    3. Minimize acne scars and hyperpigmentation.

    4. Enhance skin elasticity and firmness.

    5. Accelerate healing and collagen production.

    6. Provide natural-looking results with minimal downtime.

    By combining these two powerful techniques, microneedling with Plasma delivers comprehensive skin rejuvenation for a smoother, more youthful complexion. Experience the transformative benefits of this innovative treatment at 1FACE SKIN CLINIC

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  • InMode Diolaze XL laser hair removal, available at 1FACE SKIN CLINIC offers a fast, effective, and comfortable solution for permanent hair reduction. This advanced laser technology targets and destroys hair follicles while protecting the surrounding skin, resulting in smooth, hair-free skin.

    Diolaze XL is designed to treat large areas of the body quickly and efficiently, making it ideal for areas like the legs, back, chest, and arms, face, underarms, brazilian and bikini, innovative cooling system ensures a comfortable experience, minimizing discomfort during the treatment process.

    6 sessions required for the best results and each session is 4-6 weeks apart.

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  • Experience the rejuvenating benefits of IV vitamin therapy at 1face Skin Clinic, starting at only $199. Our FARSK vitamin infusions are designed to boost your overall health and well-being by delivering essential vitamins directly into your bloodstream.

    FARSK IV therapy includes a blend of key vitamins such as vitamin C for immune support, vitamin B complex for energy and stress relief, vitamin A for skin health, vitamin D for bone strength, and vitamin E for antioxidant protection. These infusions are administered by our experienced professionals in a comfortable and relaxing environment.

    Whether you're looking to enhance your immune system, improve your energy levels, or promote healthy skin and hair, Detox your body, help with anxeity and stress, FARSK IV therapy offers a convenient and effective solution. Elevate your wellness journey with our customizable vitamin infusions at 1FACE SKIN CLINIC

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  • Boost your wellness with our range of targeted wellness shots at 1FACE SKIN CLINIC. Our offerings include Vitamin B12 injections for energy and metabolism support, Lipotropic injections to aid in weight loss and fat metabolism, Glutathione injections for skin brightening and antioxidant benefits, Vitamin D injections for bone health and immune support, and Immunity Injections to enhance your body's defense mechanisms.

    These wellness shots are administered by our trained professionals and are designed to address specific health needs, from energy and weight management to skin health and immune function. Experience the benefits of personalized wellness with our convenient and effective injections at 1FACE SKIN CLINIC

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    Botox is a cosmetic treatment involving injections of botulinum toxin to temporarily reduce wrinkles by relaxing facial muscles, resulting in smoother and younger-looking skin.


    Morpheus8 is a non-surgical cosmetic procedure that combines microneedling with radiofrequency technology to tighten skin, stimulate collagen production, and improve texture for a more youthful appearance.


    Skin treatments, including laser procedures, use advanced technologies to address various skin concerns. Lasers target specific issues like wrinkles, pigmentation, and acne scars, promoting skin renewal and a healthier complexion.


    Facials involve cleansing, exfoliating, and nourishing the skin through various treatments like masks and massages. These sessions aim to improve skin texture, address concerns, and promote a radiant complexion.


    EvolveX is a non-invasive body contouring system that utilizes radiofrequency and electromagnetic energy for targeted fat reduction, muscle toning, and skin tightening, aiding in weight loss and body sculpting.


    Vitamin infusions deliver essential nutrients directly into the bloodstream, providing rapid absorption and potential benefits such as increased energy, improved immune function, and enhanced overall well-being.


1FACE SKIN CLINIC is a comprehensive medical spa offering a one-stop-shop experience. Services include advanced skin treatments, cosmetic procedures, and wellness services. With five-star reviews, clients praise its expertise, personalized care, and effective results, making it a trusted destination for aesthetic and holistic needs.


Unlock personalized skincare solutions with a free consultation at 1FACE SKIN CLINIC for radiant confidence.

Client Testimonials

  • Yianna Yiannacou (April 29 2024)

    This is my third time here and I cannot begin to explain how much I love it here. The place is stunning and the Staff are so welcoming and knowledgeable. Nothing better than visiting a place where people have the right products and know exactly how to use them. I came here today for a Calm Facial and to try out their EvolceX. I love their option for the facial membership! Genius! I have recommended this place multiple times and I will continue to recommend this place!! If you are looking for somewhere to take care of yourself, this is the place to be! They will take good care of you! I would give this place 5+ stars!

  • Praga Gilbert (January 2024)

    I went to them for 6 forma facials and I absolutely loved it. Great service with really good results. Their space is modern and welcoming. I would highly recommend getting a forma facial package.

  • Jody Wasserman (April 25 2024)

    1Face Clinic is just the best! The team is incredibly professional and knowledgeable. I’ve had amazing results correcting sun damage and redness with the IPL facial, and Maryam is fantastic with injections. Not to mention is clinic is so welcoming and beautiful, they really go out of their way to make you feel safe and comfortable. Cannot recommend highly enough!!

  • Manisha Sandhu (April 20 2024)

    Beautiful clinic & amazing service. I really enjoyed my treatment(s) here, they are open and honest about the services you might need depending on your concerns. I highly recommend visiting this clinic you won’t be disappointed. Overall incredible vibes.i

  • Melanie Burnett (April 15 2024)

    I love 1 Face clinic. Nazila and Louisa are amazing and attentive. I highly recommend.

  • Connie Arangio (February 2024)

    My recent experience at 1FACE has been incredible This is a luxury Medical Spa with high end treatments and very experienced knowledgable staff. This is my new go to Med Spa.

  • Ciana Serrao (April 13 2024)

    The best skin clinic ever! I have struggled with acne and texture skin for many years, I went to multiple facial clinics to find a solution but nothing seems to work well for me. I have been going to 1 face skin clinic for months now and I have noticed a huge difference in my skin. Nazila and her amazing team gave me confidence with my skin. My skin has never look so amazing. Not only do I get my facial done but I got my lips done with filler for the first time. Maryam was so kind through the process. She’s understanding, intelligent and helpful. The whole team is amazing and very sweet. They deliver kindness and care to all their clients. Highly recommend !

  • Pennie Markou (May 11 2024)

    Nazila was very pleasant, professional and thorough about the procedure. It was painless and it was a pleasure to be in such a beautiful space

  • Stacey McSheffrey (May 11 2024)

    I'm completely in AWE with this clinic. Extremely professional, knowledgeable, and overall perfection. Nurse Maryam was incredible and so passionate about what she does. She walked me through every step and helped curve my anxiety. I might just be addicted to hanging out with this amazing crew. Can't wait for my return!

  • Mariam Elraheb (May 11 2024)

    Had a fabulous and thorough experience with Nazila at 1Face! The spa is stunning and the ambience is perfection. Highly recommend visiting!

  • Nicolle Gonsalves (May 7 2024

    ) I had a lovely experience at 1face! I had laser hair removal done, and the process was seamless from start to finish. The ladies are very knowledgeable and personable, making sure I felt extra comfortable during my visit. Looking forward to many more treatments in the future!

  • Salma Moh (March 20 2024)

    My mother and I have had such a great experience at 1Face Skin Clinic. My mother got 3 forma treatments and you can see such a huge difference. I would recommend anyone to come here, and experience this place. 10/10

  • Olivia Fiuna (March 24 2024)

    Amazing facial! Almost fell asleep it was so relaxing! Acne is at bay and looks much less inflamed! Very happy with the services will be returning!

  • Saleha Afridi (April 5 2024)

    The staff were very nice and welcoming, the place was super clean and inviting, very nicely done! I went for a consultation and decided to go with micro needling, it was a great experience, didn’t hurt at all! The staff is extremely knowledgeable, informative and patient. Overall a very comfortable and enjoyable experience. Thank you!

  • Tammy Coates (April 1 2024)

    Nazila and team are amazing! The clinic is a beautiful tranquil setting. The treatments are effective and the skin care and products leave lasting results.

  • Rebecca Faulkner (March 13 2024)

    From the moment I walked in it was dreamy. The smell, the decor but most importantly the knowledgeable, warm, welcoming staff. That makes all the difference! When you want to enhance your natural beauty not fight a battle against aging. You will learn, be supportive and achieve the goals you have for your best you appearance. I’ll be back over and over and over again. Thanks Nazila Mazhari!!

  • Sasha Rana (March 5 2024)

    Fantastic facial with Louisa, my skin feels lifted, light, and clean. Clinic is beautiful and clean and service was seamless. Excited to have this clinic close to home and look forward to having regular facials and other services here!

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