Cosmetic Injectables by RN

  • Botox® $10.00/unit

    Neuromodulators, such as Botox® are purified proteins . When injected into facial muscles, they block nerve signals, causing temporary paralysis and muscle relaxation. This can reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. Results can be seen within days, but the full effects typically take about two weeks to manifest. The duration of the effects varies, but generally, the results last for 3 to 4 months. After this time, the treated muscles regain their normal function, and the effects gradually wear off.

    We can treat: Wrinkles (frown lines, crows feet, lip and laugh lines, neck bands, bunny lines (nose lines), chin dimples and many more), TMJ (teeth grinding and clenching), Jaw definition, Migraines, Hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating)

  • Dermal Fillers starting $549.00

    Dermal fillers are soft, gel-like substances that are injected under the skin. They can address a number of common concerns including smoothing of deep under-eye circles, lifting of cheekbones, volumization of the lips, smoothing of lip lines and nasolabilal folds (the creases that run from the side of the nose to the corners of the mouth), and rejuvenation of the hands. They can last 6 months and up to a year.

  • Plasma Facelift $599 per treatment

    As in any Plasma treatment, the patient’s own blood is centrifuged to isolate the plasma and platelets. The plasma is then injected using a DermPen (microneedle) into the areas of the face requiring repair. The plasma stimulates collagen production and healing of the skin. Typically, three Plasma face lifitng treatments are needed to achieve the desired results. Plasma face lifting often requires one maintenance treatment each year to ensure skin keeps its youthful appearance.

  • Hair Restoration $699 per treatment

    Plasma is a nonsurgical hair-loss treatment that involves injecting platelets, extracted from your own blood, into your scalp to restore thinning hair. You’ll need an initial series of up to six treatments, spaced four to six weeks apart.

  • Belkyra®/Fat-Dissolve $699 per syringe

    When ​Belkyra®/Kybella® is injected into the fat below the chin or other treatment areas, it dissolves the lipids inside fat cells, causing them to break down. Belkyra®/Kybella® only targets fat cells so that it won't harm skin or muscle tissue.

  • Sculptra® Biostumulator $899

    Sculptra is a dermal filler used in cosmetic procedures to stimulate collagen production in the skin, resulting in improved facial volume and diminished wrinkles. It is injected into targeted areas over a series of sessions, providing a gradual and natural-looking enhancement. Sculptra is commonly used to address signs of aging and facial volume loss. This treatment can last up to 2 years.

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